Listen Up Brides
Happy friday! Several months ago I started corresponding with a soon to be bride named Casey. We booked and planned our dance lessons way in advance. Months later Casey walked through the door with Finn, her high school sweet heart. They were preparing for their first dance and would be tying the knot as of October 2014. Finn had taken a ballroom class in the past and Casey came in as a trained dancer in other styles of dance. Right out the gate I was glowing on the inside. I just knew this was going to be a blast. As Casey stepped into Finn’s frame, I knew I had a winner on my hands. Her frame was perfect as if she had been dancing ballroom all along. When someone compliments your frame in ballroom dance its the ULTIMATE compliment. We were so happy to have them at Windy City Wedding Dance.
4 Weeks Later……
I now have Casey, Finn, and Dad. Casey’s dad is the best! Just wait till get the footage from the Father Daughter Dance. As I continue to grow closer with this family the more I can see what a special group I have. Casey’s dad decided he would come in and spend some time practicing to make sure he was putting his best foot forward. He is very committed to having the performance of a lifetime. Casey’s dad asked me a few questions about Windy City Wedding Dance and I explained that we launched a new website this past year. He mentioned that Casey had a website called The DIY Playbook. I was intrigued because it sounded very interesting. When Casey and her Dad came in last night, I asked her more. She gave me a card and told me to check it out.
This Morning…….
Last night when I got home I checked out the mobile version of the and I read a fun blog about fall scarfs. I was really going to dig in this morning. Hours later, and I mean all morning long, I have been reading about DIY projects, gifts, and fun facts about Casey and her best pal Bridget. Ok you must check out The over all feel of the website is light, fun, energetic, and well organized. The website has a clean fresh look with social media feeds for Pinterest and more. I asked Casey how often they were providing blog content. She says that they post new and exciting material up to 5 times a week. Let me tell you from experience blogging is amazing but it takes time and dedication. When you are blogging about things you love, time flies. I also really enjoyed the photos. Photos always make the website and blogs more interesting. The resolution was perfect. The website is responsive which can adapt to any device. After exploring through the website I felt like I went to high school with Casey and Bridget, and we have always been friends. Bingo they’ve done it. They have found a way to connect with readers. I thought the topics were killer. Breakfast Pizza? Yes I’ll have one of those. Need a custom koozie? Yes I need one of those. I’ll be reading the DIY Playbook if you need to find me.
So Listen up Brides Check Out
The DIY Playbook
Home Decor
Weddings and more……