Dance Therapy

Did you know that Dance can be a form of therapy?  The American Dance Therapy Association is an organization that is dedicated to the profession of dance/movement therapy. Through dance movement therapy individuals can improve a wide variety of psychological disorders. Dance and movement therapists mobilize resources from the place where the body and mind are one. Do you know someone who has lost the will to live as a result of an illness? Dance and movement therapist work with a variety of patients and help find that place that gives a person the ability to feel love for life.

So how does it work? Read more about the ADTA’s Dance/Movement Therapy Scope of Practice Statement

I personally knew nothing about an official American Dance Therapy Association. I knew from my experience that dance class has helped numerous students over come fears and accomplish personal goals. The social aspect of group class sometimes is more important than the dancing its self. When is the last time you came across a very shy individual that has problems with communication. They may be a great candidate for a group class. Trying a new activity outside your comfort zone can help push you to accomplish things you wouldn’t normally try.

Dance Therapy can actually provides a career in dance for us dance lovers that just can’t continue to dance at a competitive or professional level, but just can’t bear the thought of giving up dance entirely. It wasn’t until this past year that I met an incredible young lady who was apart of the Columbia College Dance/Movement Therapy program. She was a student not only at Columbia College but also in a Ballroom University Teacher Training Program taught by Tommye Giacchino. Later that year our own formation team went on to perform at their annual alumni Dance Therapy event. It was a 2 night program and you could see all the wonderful and talented people dedicated towards this program.

What actually made me write this blog article was a recent trip to a hospital in Middletown Ohio. My Father has been experiencing a difficult time the last several years and recently went through an amputation. We have started to work with a new doctor. He came into our room about midnight and stayed until almost 2am just talking to us and getting to know his patient. When he asked me about my career, I explained that I owned a dance studio on Michigan Ave. He then told me about his wonderful daughter who just graduated from the University of Cincinnati who majored in modern dance. He said she was considering a dance therapy program in Chicago at Columbia. I explained that I was knew about with the program and had participated in a show this past year. We talked about the future for young dancers and challenges they face making a career out of dance. There are many misconceptions about how dancers survive. We don’t make our living so much by performing or competing in ballroom dance but by teaching. I explained that I think she would love the program at Columbia and I am so thankful that these programs exist. Dancing truly brings joy to individuals. There have been individuals with severe Tourette syndrome that while ballroom dancing have no sign of tics. Tics can cause individuals to blurt out uncontrollable obscene language.

Tics are sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic movements (motor tics) and utterances (phonic tics) that involve discrete muscle groups. Motor tics are movement-based tics, while phonic tics are involuntary sounds produced by moving air through the nose, mouth, or throat.

Here at Windy City Wedding Dance we offer private ballroom dance lessons and specialize by working with wedding couples who are preparing for their First Dance. We are not an accredited Dance Therapy School. We teach ballroom dance lessons 7 days a week and we are located right around the corner from Columbia College. You can find us at 410 S Michigan Ave in the Fine Arts Building on the second floor. We are located across the street from Congress Parkway Plaza and Grant Park. We also offer our space for special events, weddings, ceremonies, bridal showers, baby showers, wedding showers, corporate parties, conferences, and more.


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